Water Reservoir

10月 15, 2024

A Commitment to Biodiversity and Sustainability

Our reservoir, with a capacity of 31,500 m³, spans 450 meters in width and reaches a maximum depth of 3.5 meters. Thanks to our environmental conservation initiatives, we have witnessed a remarkable increase in the area’s biodiversity. Species such as Gallinules and ducks have found an ideal habitat here to nest and reproduce, while various fish species have established a thriving aquatic ecosystem. Additionally, land animals benefit from the shade and protection provided by the trees planted around the reservoir, using them as shelter.

Although not a natural ecosystem by origin, the reservoir has evolved and is maintained through the collection of rainwater, channeled from the greenhouses via a system of canals. In dry seasons, it is supplemented with water from wells and groundwater, ensuring its sustainability.

The reservoir can store up to 80% of its capacity, allowing us to meet the irrigation needs of our farms for up to 40 days, even in the event of reduced rainfall or well water supply.

The water collected is efficiently used in our irrigation systems, contributing not only to the healthy growth of our crops but also to the preservation of local flora and fauna.

Every drop counts in our commitment to sustainability, ensuring that the natural environment and our crops flourish responsibly and in balance.




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